Application for Voluntary Merger

Instructions & General Information for Voluntary Merger of Lots:

In accordance with NH RSA 674:39-a, any owner of 2 or more contiguous preexisting approved or subdivided lots or parcels who wishes to merge them for municipal regulation and taxation purposes may do so by applying to the Planning Board.  Except as set forth in RSA 674:39-a II and III, all such requests shall be approved, and no public hearing or notice shall be required.  No new survey plat need be recorded, but a notice of the merger, sufficient to identify the relevant parcels and endorsed in writing by the Planning Board, shall be filed for recording in the Registry of Deeds, and a copy received by the assessing officials.

No such merged parcel shall thereafter be separately transferred without subdivision approval.  No city, town, county, or village district may merge preexisting subdivided lots or parcels except upon the consent of the owner.

MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT: Per RSA 674:39-a II: If there is any mortgage on any of the lots, the applicant shall give written notice to each mortgage holder at the time of the submission of the application.  The written consent of each mortgage holder shall be required as a condition of approval of the merger, and shall be recorded with the notice of the merger pursuant to RSA 674:39-a I.  Upon recordation of the notice and each consent, the mortgage(s) shall be deemed by operation of law to apply to all lots involved in the merger.  The municipality shall not be liable for any deficiency in the notice to mortgage holders.

Procedure for Requesting Voluntary Lot Merger is as Follows:

  1. Complete and submit the Application for Voluntary Lot Merger to the Nottingham Planning Board.
    1. Document the pre-merger configuration of any lots by providing the Book and Page #’s for all properties. 
    2. Mail the Mortgage Holder Consent form to mortgage holder(s) for mortgage company representative signature and return the form to the Town of Nottingham.
  2. The Assessing Department shall review the application and forward any comments to the Planning Board within five (5) days of receipt of the materials.
  3. The Planning Board shall schedule consideration of the Application during a regularly scheduled meeting, once the Mortgage Holder Consent Form has been received.
  4. If upon review by the Planning Board, the Board determines that additional information is required; up to an additional ten (10) days will be provided to produce the additional information.
  5. If the Application has been granted, the appropriate changes will be noted on the Tax Maps, Assessor records, and shall be recorded at the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds.
  6. All decisions of the Select Board may be appealed in accordance with the provisions of RSA 676.