2020 Presidential Primary

Presidential Primary is February 11, 2020!
image flag with 2020 election sign

Voting for the 2020 Presidential Primary will be held at Nottingham School, 245 Stage Road, from 7 am to 7 pm.


The last day to change party affiliation before the Presidential Primary elections was Friday, October 25th 2019.  

Voters registered as UNDECLARED on February 11, 2020 must declare for a party at the polls and will receive that party's ballot.

To remain UNDECLARED after February 11th, voters must sign the "Return to Undeclared" list AFTER voting, provided outside the polling place on the day of the primary.

Undeclared voters that do not sign this book will remain declared for that party until they request a party change by filling out a form with the Supervisors of the Checklist.  

This must be done ON or BEFORE June 2nd, 2020 to be Undeclared for the September 8th, 2020 State Primary Election.  

NH RSA 659:14