Town Position Candidates

Town Elections are March 8, 2022
election sign

The following persons have declared their candidacy for the following positions for the March 8, 2022 Town Election: 

Board of Selectmen - 1 position, three year term        
John Morin
Eugene Reed

Budget Committee – 1 position, one year term
Douglas C. Bates
Robert Kelly

Budget Committee – 3 positions, three year term
Brent Tweed
John Decker
Sandra Jones
Michael Kelly

Cemetery Trustee – 1 position, three year term
Teresa L. Bascom

Library Trustee - 2 positions, three year term
M. Kate Knight-Dupuis
Jennifer Phillips

Moderator - 1 position, two year term
Dawn Fernald

Planning Board – 2 positions, three year term
Eduard R. Viel

Supervisors of the Checklist - 1 position, six year term
Alexandra Neff

Trustee of the Trust Funds – 1 position, three year term
Denise Blaha

Zoning Board – 1 position, three year term
Kathy Mayo