After School Care

NP&R's After Care philosophy is to provide our community with a safe place that encourages participants to make good choices, free play and enjoy structured games and activities after school. We are so happy to be back in action and provide this service to the town of Nottingham. This program fills up fast, so make sure to mark the calendar! Participants will have the opportunity to get their homework done, socialize with their friends and have a blast while they wait for their guardians to get out of work. 

Who: K-8th Grade

When: Monday-Friday, September-June

Time: 2:30PM-5:30PM

Where: Nottingham Elementary School (245 Stage Rd. Nottingham, NH, 03290)

Program cancelations will be communicated through Nottingham Parks & Rec and emailed to participants as soon as possible and posted on Facebook. This program will run on half days and only close due to low staff or weather. If the school closes all after school activities due to weather, this program will also close.

All individuals will be required to register online prior to participating. Please visit our online portal HERE to create and account and sign up today!